Friday, 11 September 2015

Embedded System Concepts

1. What is an Embedded System? Give some examples of
embedded system in daily life.

Ans. Embedded System is a system which hides a small computation unit inside. This computer is not general purpose computer like our Desktop PC but a small micro controller or microprocessor. Embedded System is designed to perform specific tasks. Best example of an Embedded System is our mobile phone which includes a processing unit or no. of processing units along with peripherals like keypad/touchpad, touch screen, LCD, Communication modules etc.
There are other examples like Electronic System in washing machine, ATM machine, front panel of Microwave oven, printers, TV, set top boxes, Remote control, Dashboard of a 4-wheeler and many more. If you observe carefully we are surrounded by a no. of embedded system and use them very frequently in our day to day life.

2. What are basic features of an Embedded System?
Ans. A good embedded system must possess following features…
• Microcontroller based
• Software driven
• Reliable
• Real time control system
• Autonomous and human interactive
• Operating on diverse physical variables
• Operating in diverse environments

3. What are various categories of an Embedded System based on complexity?
Ans. Embedded Systems can be broadly classified in three categories…
a. Small Scale – 8/16 bit CPU, little hardware, less software
complexity, no RTOS, battery operated.
b. Medium scale – 16/32 bit uC or DSPs, Complex hardware and
software design, RTOS source code engg tool, IDE.
c. Sophisticated – Configurable processors, Cutting edge applications, highly complex hardware and software design.

4. Why PC can’t be treated as an Embedded System?
Ans. Of course PC is also embedded with a processing unit but still it can not be called as an Embedded System. The reason is very clear that PC is not supposed to do a specific task. For a bank employee PC is accounting add for his work while for an engineer it is designs add. For a doctor PC helps to analyze patient reports and for children it’s more like video game or a communication system to stay connected with their friends through social networking websites. Hence PC has different applications for different people; hence it cannot be treated as an
embedded system.

5. What is difference between a PC based System and an Embedded System?
Ans. A PC based system is bulky hence difficult to be deployed specially in remote areas. For example if one wants a data logger system to monitor all the processes and events in an aircraft or on a hilly area, PC is never a suitable option. In this case an Embedded System can do the job well consuming very small space. Also PC based system are not so cost efficient and as reliable as embedded systems.

6. Ok if embedded systems are so important and popular than why PCs still exist, why can’t we use embedded systems instead of PCs?
Ans. Well PC works with operating systems and they support comprehensive cross compilers for generating executable files for embedded systems. Hence we can never ignore the importance of PCs.

7. What are the main components of an Embedded System?
see more at below link...

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